
From love of books comes a collection of books                
                          From a collection of books comes bookplates
From bookplates emerges a specialized art 


From love of books comes a collection of books   
From a collection of books comes bookplates

From bookplates emerges a specialized art 


Introduction to the Hong Kong Exlibris Association

  • 香港藏書票協會成立於1989年12月。
  • 1990年和香港大學美術博物館聯合主辦國際藏書票大展。
  • 1992年成為國際藏書票聯盟理事會會員。
  • 1997年和中央圖書館聯合主辦國際藏書票大展。
  • 香港藏書票協會代表團多次出席並參加世界各地舉辦的每兩年一次的國際藏書票大會,並獲得金獎等國際殊榮。
  • 透過與各國畫家和收藏家進行書票交換等形式的交流,增進各國友誼。世界各地人稱藏書票為友誼的護照。
  • 曾在香港中央圖書館、香港政府的18區圖書館、浸會大學以及台灣舉辦藏書票講座。

  • HKEA was established in December 1989.

  • - The first HKEA exhibition was held at the Art Museum of Hong Kong University in 1990.
  • - HKEA became a member of FISAE in 1992.
  • - An International Exlibris Exhibition was held at Hong Kong Central Library in 1997.
  • - HKEA has participated in the biennial FISAE congress and has won awards.
  • - Exlibris are referred to as "the pass of friendship" because HKEA has interacted and befriended collectors from around the world through exchanging exlibris.
  • - Hosted exlibris lectures at Hong Kong Central Library, other district libraries, Hong Kong Baptist University, and in Taiwan.


 Mission to the Hong Kong Exlibris Association


Our mission is to advocate for and further the development of the art of bookplates. We aim to organize gatherings that encourage members to observe and learn from one another, conduct exhibitions showcasing the works of our members, and facilitate international exhibitions to promote exchanges between members in Hong Kong and overseas associations.


 contact US

 聯絡電話 Tel:+852 9039 6820
電郵 Email: info@hkexlibris.org
網址 Web: hkexlibris.org