Since 1989
藏書票,和愛書看書有關,是文化普及的現象;源自十五世紀的德國貴族家族徽誌;他們把藏書票張貼於書本扉頁,一般加上自己名字和拉丁文"EX-LIBRIS"字樣,作為藏書標記使用;但時至今已經失去實用意義而成為愛好者的收藏和交流文化, 人稱“版畫珍珠”“紙上寶石””情牽方寸” 大概就顯出其珍貴和藝術之價值。
1953年首次召開收藏家國際性會議。 1966年“國際藏書票聯盟(FISAE)”誕生。現成員國已擴展到40多個。
藏書票歷來多和文化名人有關,歷史的紀錄如:葉靈鳳、郁達夫、李樺、唐英偉等等, 外國的作家福樓拜、雨果等,馬狄斯、高更等亦參與創作藏書票
Exlibris, related to book lovers and reading, is a phenomenon of cultural dissemination. It originated from the crests of German noble families in the 15th century. They would affix exlibris to the front pages of their books, generally adding their names along with the Latin phrase "EX-LIBRIS" as a mark of ownership. However, it has lost its practical significance today and has become a collectible and a means of cultural exchange among enthusiasts, often referred to as “pearls of printmaking,” “gems on paper,” or “love within a small space,” highlighting its preciousness and artistic value.
Exlibris museums can be found in Denmark, Norway, the United States, Japan, and cities in China such as Dalian, Beijing, and Shenzhen.
Since the 18th century, exlibris associations and clubs have been established around the world, making the exchange and collection of exlibris fashionable.
The first international conference for collectors was held in 1953. In 1966, the International Federation of Societies of Ex-Libris Collectors (FISAE) was founded, and its membership has expanded to over 40 countries.
Exlibris has historically been associated with cultural figures. Notable examples include Ye Lingfeng, Yu Dafu, Li Hua, and Tang Yingwei from China, as well as foreign writers like Gustave Flaubert and Victor Hugo. Artists such as Henri Matisse and Paul Gauguin have also participated in the creation of exlibris.