Since 1989
The Hong Kong Ex Libris Exhibition not only showcases the artistic charm of ex libris but also provides a platform for local artists to express their creativity. These exhibitions typically feature works from various artists, covering a wide range of styles and themes, allowing visitors to gain insight into the history and cultural background of ex libris. Additionally, the Ex Libris Exchange Meeting is a significant component of these events, where participants can share their ex libris collections, exchange insights and techniques, and foster connections among art enthusiasts. These activities not only enhance cultural exchange but also raise awareness of the unique art form of ex libris.
展場:The Bridge+ 人文藝術空間
地址:九龍, 深水埗, 鴨寮街82及84號地下
展覧日期: 10月25-27日 (連續三天)
開幕典禮 : 10月26日(星期六) 下午3點半
活動內容:開幕儀式、導賞、工作坊、 晚宴拍賣